With teamI2 I hope to help you create your own study team
Student, resident, or fellows as study leads, with one or more senior author mentors
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Also, see below for information on 'forestplot mentorship' program

forestplot mentorship/ scholarship
what is it?
A dedicated one-on-one mentorship
For medical students applying to internal medicine residency (preferable with interest in GI), or
Internal medicine residents applying to GI fellowship
how does it work?
Submit your interest
Mention that you are applying for the forestplot research mentorship program, and we will contact you for your resume/ CV
2 candidates will be selected per calendar year (selection process starts Dec 1 the preceding year)
Selection will be based on your CV, interest in research, publication profile, statsitics skillset, experience etc.
Dont have any research experience? No problem, learn from this website and increase your chances of getting selected
Preferred candidates: IM residency applicants who have completed all USMLE steps, and IM 1st year residents
There is no money or fees for this program, therefore there is no money in scholarship
However, the plan is to financially support attendance of GI conferences in the US (DDW & ACG), hopefully with abstract presentations in your name
Both candidates will benefit on conference registration and lodging expenses (we will see if travel can be covered)
If interested, candidates can shadow/ observe GI clinical practice for free (details on lodging, covering other expenses can be discussed)